Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mumbai Attacks

We watched the news on CNN over the Thanksgiving weekend. CNN and its sister stations did a great job covering the story. Everytime I see these sort of attacks my heart just sinks for the relatives of the people killed. I put myself in their shoes and imagine what it would be like if someone I loved was killed so senselessly. (Side note - I also do a mini prayer each time I see an ambulance zipping through the street). G's childhood friend, who was staying at the Oberoi, called us the next mornign. He heard all the shots and firing, but managed to get out safely.

Last night while pumping breast milk (I know, so glamorous) I was flipping through Newsweek and read the article by Zakaria (summary of it at His articles are always very informative, and for someone like me (American Born Cute Desi) who doesn't know much about Mumbai it's very educational.

My positive thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims and their families.

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