- My parents and brother, who have supported me, give me freedom to be myself (this is the most important...I can't stress how crucial it is to be yourself at all costs!), and lots of laughter, even if we don't agree most of the time.
- My friends, who give me courage to stay strong, vent my feelings, and express myself.
- My husband, for his love, affection, support, and patience.
- My baby, because not everyone can have children and not everyone has the joy that comes with seeing your baby change and grow.
- For acquaintances, for quietly helping me enrich my life and give me moral support at random times in life.
- Ex - friends / boyfriends, for teaching me lessons and letting me make mistakes to help me get a better understanding of myself and what is important in life.
- The health of my loved ones, my pets, and myself.
- Always having something to eat, that tastes GOOD, place to sleep, bed to sleep, blankets, and enought money to pay most of my bills.
- Laptop, cell phone, internet, TV, electricity, heat, good soap/toiletries, car, clothes (you get the idea)
- My education
- BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS...libraries.
- privilege to vote, apply for any job.
The End. :-)
P.S...in the above picture, isn't a little creepy that Snoopy is serving turkey (a bird) while his friend Woodstock, who is ALSO a bird, hovers above him? WEIRD.
always good to count our blessing and feel good!
happy thanksgiving!
Was looking around for club feet blogs and stumbled on yours. We are 6 yrs farther along on our journey and wanted to give you some hope. My son was born with an atypical club foot, so more problems then usual, but had to say he is the most active kid I know. Nothing, and I mean nothing stops him from doing what he wants and how fast he does it. :)
If you are interested, my blog is here http://wherewillthislittlefoottakehim.blogspot.com/
I will be checking with your blog often.
Mama - Mia - Yep exactly!
Jo-Ann - Thanks for visiting my blog!
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